Episode 321 (Nov 08)


In this episode TravelTV.News focuses on:

  • 80 European buyers participate in PATA-MOT roadshow
  • OTOAI aims to make its chapters more active
    With over 52,000 Indian passengers in 2015, Mega Maldives looks positive about its direct flight from Delhi starting on the 15th of November
  • Deutsche Hospitality plans to open at least 20 hotels in India over the next 15 years. The first hotel will be in Bangalore
  • Dubai Visa Processing Centre in a first of its kind initiative launches a mobile app to complete the entire visa application process for a UAE visa using a mobile device

We interviewed:

  • RUNEEP SANGHA, Executive Director, PATA India Chapter
  • GEORGE WEINMANN, Chief Executive Officer, Mega Maldives Airlines