Episode 453 (May 22)


In this episode TravelTV.News focuses on:

  • Qatar Airways is planning to expand in India with a new airline
  • In April there was a 23.5% growth in Foreign Tourist Arrivals with the top 5 source countries being Bangladesh, USA, UK, Germany and Australia. While the top 5 countries availing the e-Tourist Visa were UK, USA, China, Russian Federation and France
  • Is the travel & hospitality industry facing a skilled workforce crunch? Here is what the industry members feel

We interviewed:

  • HIS EXCELLENCY AKBAR AL BAKER, Group Chief Executive Officer, Qatar Airways
  • ROHIT ARORA, Area General Manager, The Park New Delhi
  • BHARAT AGGARAL, Managing Director, Mansingh Hotels
  • SANDEEP JAIN, Joint Secretary, IATO
  • SAMPAT DAMANI, Chairman – Western Region, TAAI