Episode 1910 (Oct 9, 2023)


In this episode TravelTV.News focuses on:

  • Costa Cruises to share exciting information about the largest Cruise Ship in domestic waters and specially curated itineraries that this Cruise ship to offer at its next webinar tomorrow at 3.00 P.M.
  • Marking strong resurgence in the Indian aviation market, according to data revealed by IATA Indian domestic traffic increased by 23 % in the month of August
  • Uganda Airlines launches first direct flight between Mumbai and Entebbe
  • Leaving attendees and participants with a sense of accomplishment and excitement, PATA Travel Mart concluded on high note

We Interviewed:

  • LENNY MALASI, Country Manager – India, Uganda Airlines
  • PAUL PRUANGKARN, Chief of Staff, Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)
  • NOREDAH OTHMAN, Chief Executive Officer, Sabah Tourism Board
  • HOMA MISTRY, Chief Executive Officer, Trail Blazer Tours
  • RIYAZ U.C.,Managing Director, Spiceland Holidays
  • GAURAV KHANDELWAL, Director-Sales, GRNConnect