TravelTV.News – Episode 1276 (Jan 18, 2021)


In this episode TravelTV.News focuses on:

  • One can argue that the travelindustry has been hit the most inthis pandemic, with nearly 4 crore Jobless in India alone. Still,despite the continued spread of the
    virus, they seem to be getting backon its feet. Here, we are going tosee how this is happening within India

We Interviewed

  • DEEPAK NARULA, Managing Director,
  • HARMANDEEP SINGH ANAND, Managing Director, Jagsons Travels
  • GULDEEP SINGH SAHNI, Managing Director, Weldon Tours and Travels
  • EKTA SHARMA, Managing Director, Khyaath Design Holidays
  • JAGDEEP BHAGAT, Owner & CEO, Vee Bee Tours & Travels
  • ANJALI GUPTA, Director, Y Not Travel